
It seems to me that the governing body of our country is not much different than any other body – divided into hemispheres, made up of separate branches/limbs working towards one common goal. This is why I don’t find it strange that in my lifetime I have witnessed a steady progression towards something unseen and untold. Even though there are steps forward, backwards and, more often than not, sideways, we still seem to move towards this dark point in the distance. When I say “dark”, I mean unseen and unknown. I don’t mean to imply evil, as I can not determine the quality of the future or the unknown plans for it. However, just like your body, the government has tasks suited to the nature and strengths of specific parts. The government has some goals more suited to democrats and some suited to republicans, but all ends serve purpose. So, what is the point, I wonder? Why worry about a body that seeks to control you? Treat it like any other foreign body. Let it do what it does to survive until it threatens harm to you and then break it. All the voting has led us to be presently unhappy with our nation and blaming people just like us. Republicans blame Democrats and likewise. Meanwhile, initiatives are pushed and plans set in motion. Belief in a lie lets the truth slip by. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, this is common sense. I don’t think there is some secret meeting of minds conspiring against us, but there are meetings, there are plans and they do hope to benefit and secure power and jobs in their own best interest.


Music FRIDAY is back with a vengence

So I am in a group called soundblanket and we host a radio show at PMCR and do many other music related cool in-group things.  I bombed them last night because I’m too busy to keep up with the rest of them on the daily basis.  By that same token, I will now bomb you too.  Forgive me for not posting in so long(those that care).  Some of this you may be familiar with but gimme a break.  I post what I feel.

And there you go.  Spend a couple days going through that.

The symptoms of perpetual failure

Our healthcare system is failing us. I don’t much follow the news but I am aware of this hot-button topic within our society. Our government also seems to be failing us now, or at least that’s what my Facebook friends would have me believe. I am not so sure that my government is doing anything different than it has been for a long time…but I’m a bit cynical.

What I come to address today is WHY these systems are failing and why I believe that it was eventually inevitable. Our minds are made up it seems, we have decided that what ranks higher on our priority ladder is finding comfort. We care about the discomfort that comes from our symptoms more than we care about finding the real solutions to our problems. We blame the government but it is only an extension of ourselves. The systems we create and rely on are as corrupted in their inception as our minds are.

We seem to be oriented in symptom solutions rather than problem solving. Everyone seems to know how to cure cold symptoms but how many know how to prevent a cold or to solve the situations that cause colds?

Year after year after generation after century we look at the illnesses affecting our society and set out to ease the discomfort they create. This seems smart on the surface but when you look at the situation, it’s clear that we are just shifting the trash from the floor to the closet. It’s not being solved, only replaced. How do we change ourselves?

(What if black is all there is?


It took me quite some time to understand what it means to be an adult and the line that one must cross to become one.  Short and sweet, here it is:  Adulthood is about prioritizing.  You become an adult in your own mind when you begin to learn to prioritize effectively enough to be independent, in whatever form your independence materializes.  You are an adult because you stop making excuses for why you place more importance on doing what you want to do rather than recognizing the importance of what you need to do.  You become an adult in the eyes of the world when people stop making those same excuses for you.  This is where it gets tricky because usually society decides you are an adult at a different time than you do.  For most of us society choose first and then we catch up but for the rare few, it is the other way around.  This also depends on your family, economic status, race and sex.  Society tends to deem some people adults before others of the same age (but that’s a whole other topic altogether).  In the end it comes down to your ability to make adult choices.  Adulthood seems to be bestowed on us by the outside world because “it’s time.”  but that is a figment.  Your everyday struggle through life is the measuring stick by which you can gauge your progress as an adult.




[childhood coming soon]

Something (else) is wrong with this country

One of my jobs is in a bookstore. Today , I spent a lot of time in the kids section. However, my time there, while working was not wasted. I had a thought – to study the period of history where your history was erased does not create a new history and it does not make up for the lack of history. (more…)

Music Fridays- Workflow Grind

Have you ever felt this way?

Today, everything is broken. But my body is not broken and my mind is not broken and my spirit will not be broken. This broken day will not break me. My will shall seal what has been torn and my hands will gather what pieces have been scattered. The look on my face that you mistake for anger is determination. Determination to not allow broken today to defeat tomorrow.


Dark thoughts before enlightenment

Last night was a rough night for me mentally and this morning, I had a good conversation where I could listen mostly and learn. A friend of mine was speaking about insecurity in relationships, something many of us (myself included) deal with. (more…)


I’m working on a new Brother Aten song called “Lovelustwill”.  While I do that, you enjoy this.

The Endless Train

My life is like a climb to the top of a mountain with no peak but I’ve already seen what’s at the bottom.

“Progress is a train; you can climb aboard, you can get out of the way, or you can be crushed.”
